Ballentine Broadcast: Conversations on Black Wealth
Hear from Black millionaires and 7+ figure business owners on their wealth-building journeys, experiences working with financial services professionals, and their thoughts on what the financial services industry can do to help close the racial wealth gap.
Ballentine Broadcast: Conversations on Black Wealth
Becoming a Snack Foods Millionaire with James Lindsay
In this episode, Akeiva sits down with James Lindsay, highly successful Miami-based entrepreneur and the Founder & CEO of Rap Snacks. James scaled Rap Snacks to a multi-million dollar company selling mostly twenty-five cent bags of chips. We discuss his entrepreneurial journey and the role philanthropy has played in his life. James also shares advice for aspiring entrepreneurs and financial services professionals seeking to work with Black clients.
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Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show. I'm your host, Aquiva Ellis, and to today I am elated to have James Lindseay on the show. James Lindsey is a highly successful Miami based entrepreneur and the founder and C e O of Rap snacks. By partnering with some of the rap game's most recognizable names such as Carty Be meagoes, Little Boozy Masterpe, and Romeo, the brand has become one of the most visible hip hop geared snack products over the last few decades. A Philadelphia native James graduated from Cheney University with a bachelor of Science degree in marketing. He honed his marketing skills while serving as a manager in the consumer products industry for Johnson products and Ethnic Ha Care Company and Warner Lambert. James leverage his background in the Har Care Products business, tweaked and improved upon it, and then applied it to the packaged food industry. These experiences and his desire to own his own business, empowered him to start Rarap Snacks in Nineteen ninety Four, a snack food's company that featured hip hop artists on the brand, the first of its kind in the U. S. The success of Rarapsnacks allowed Lindsey to solidfy a co marketarting agreement with Universal Records to advertise Universal's artists on all Rarap Snacks bags, and eventually the company gruwed into a five million dollar business selling mostly twenty five cent bags of chips Over the past twelve years, he's been featured on the C, B, S morning show, A b Cs, the jimmy Kimmel show, B, e T. Fox News, People Magazine, Black Enterprise, Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine. He was also recognized by Business Philadelphia Magazine as one of the top one hundred people to watch, among others, James. welcome to the show.
[james_lindsay]:I keep thank you. having me excited.
[akeiva_ellis]:Of course, of course, I'm excited. excited to have you now. I would love to start by diving right into your story. So tell us about your upbringing and how that affected your view on finances, and ultimately your journey to becoming the financial success that you have to today.
[james_lindsay]:Yeah, I'm was uh, raised in north Philadelphia. Um, you know, and Um, kind of a low income community. Um, uh, you know, and most of the time I tell people that when you are raised in that environment, that nutritional values at the time is not a a high priority for you, right, so um, you know, we used to go um in the mornings when when before he went to school, we eat potato chips. you know, for uh morning breakfast we would eat it for lunch, and sometime for dinner. This snack foods. Basically,
[james_lindsay]:and um, you know it, I think it was a good a good thing with my part because it kinda helped me, um, kinda zero on some of my skills of you know flavor profiles and 'cause I just really enjoy snack foods. I was the same guy, but the same kid who used to take all these twenty five cent bag to shiips and th in in one small bag, shake 'em up and just eat ' its for a meal. Basically, you know, so it was. I was like the kid that kind of turned. You know some of the things that people think say Well, Oh, you should have been eating. you know more. nutritional. Um, you know morning breakfast into. you know a career what I'm doing right today. you know, So you know, I take everything you know as you anything I've been through as turning into something as a positive and something as a learning lesson that you know. eventually I can help other people you know benefit from.
[akeiva_ellis]:awesome I, so growing up that you have many conversations at home at all.
[james_lindsay]:Oh yeah, I mean, you know I. I would just say that it was some more of you know, the people around me like one of my guys name Wasylvester Barnes. Who was? You know? I didn't have any brothers. I had um, three sisters, but he was like a big brother to me, so he's always one of those guys that would invest in different things, and actually he's still one of my originaldessors and rarapsnacks, you know, So I can say, I've learned a lot Uh about money from him. You know, and this you know wanted you to really have that you know, feeling of wanting to do better, you know, and being curious about you know things outside of what I saw in the in the cities every day.
[akeiva_ellis]:Awesome solthough. You didn't necesarly have conversations in the house. You were having them with people in community. Your circle that you cultivated as
[james_lindsay]:Absolutely. because I, I believe that's all your family not to
[akeiva_ellis]:grew up is awesome. right.
[james_lindsay]:read your family or the people that you grew up with your neighbors. You know, if you grew up in North Philly, you know you have houses on top of houses, so you're sharing a lot of information not to switch you in. Meet the family.
[akeiva_ellis]:Yeah, absolutely. I grew up in New York City, too, So I know what'. Like.
[akeiva_ellis]:Yeah, absolutely. So where did your desire to start a business come from?
[james_lindsay]:Um, you know, I, really, I. My first job out of college was with Johnson products and Johnson products, Um, at the time was a leading ethnic ha, care, um company, and uh, I was fortunate enough to um horn my skills beside, you know, a a millionaire black figure. somebody looked like me. Um, and somebody that you know started business from from nothing, so I was able to kind of get first hand a glimpse of how did you start your own business? you know, Um. What does it look like when you bring a product to market place? right? Um, and I was just fascinated about it, you know, Um, and uh, you know, I've worked for other companies after that, but I always kept in back in my mind, you know. eventually you know, I wanted to start my own business and working for somebody for something that I wasn going settle for.
[akeiva_ellis]:And so what really was that impetus? That drive that made you so fascinated with entrepreneurship or gave you that drive? Was it? The desire for impact was a desire for freedom for making more money, or combination of things? Tell me more about that.
[james_lindsay]:I think all above, you know, Um, I think you know making more money, you know, and be able to dictate your in own income. Be able to provide with your for your family outside of a normal thing is, see what you do every day. you know. I tell people all the time that money is one thing, but having a sense of accomplishment is another you know. and it it really gives gains your confidence, and like, Oh, I can do this and I only do this. I can do something else outside of that you know, and you know that I think you know, and also, in addition to that gaining information because you know, the key part of being a successful entrepreneur is being able to research and find out you know what is necessary to be successful with anything you do in business.
[akeiva_ellis]:So that did that research come primarily from the jobs Youd conversation with others or were your other source of information? as you kind of started the
[james_lindsay]:Yeah, I, again, all above all above, it's you know conversation from you know
[akeiva_ellis]:journey. Yeah,
[james_lindsay]:people by, like Mr. Johnson, you know, Um, experience in the field, you know, working with, Um. Some of my my sales reps going into you know some of these small mama pop stores, finding out how they do business. You know it's all above because everything iss a collective effort and you know, and eventually getting to that point where you say yeah, you can do this or you own.
[akeiva_ellis]:so did you have? let's say, a financial goal or you, a conquer goal. If I want to grow this business into a multi million dollar company, I want to be a millionaire. What was that like? If you have a concrete path, it kind of just become the fruits of your labor after a certain point.
[james_lindsay]:I'm saying becoming the fruit of my labor Because if this is the thing, if you love something, and you and you enjoy doing it, and you're working that every day in your passion about it. All the you know, everything you said is goingnna come into fruition. You know you're going to enjoy what you're doing. You're going to be first to the market and eventually the money's gonna come. you know. Um, So when you become a millionaire, which I can say I am. But now next step with the millionairs a biion, thereire. So now you, now, what's necessary is what the necessary steps you need to take to get to that. so everything is a progression, but first of all, you got to meet that first. You know their first objective.
[akeiva_ellis]:So would you say, your goal now is to become a billionaire?
[james_lindsay]:Absolutely. I want to become the first you know. um, billionaire. Um, well, afro American billionaire and snackf. Yes, that's a goal of mines.
[akeiva_ellis]:I, it ambitious goals. So what are some lessons that you'd say you have learned along your entrepreneurship and wealth building journeys?
[james_lindsay]:Mhm, mhm, Um, you know, my lessons are relationships are very important, you know, and never burning. you know bridges on relationships because you never know when you going to need you know to lean on that relationship that's really important in business. Um, if you don't know that I and I'm pretty sure you've had some bad experience though you, not understanding that you know thats, so for me, relationship is what really always. It helps you. you know. Um, you know, it helps you continue to grow in a necessary direction, but also have a relationship where people can rely on you. You know, Let's a give and take, you know. Um. all the close you know, Uh, relations I have out here with and an artist. Um, you know people that are business people. You know we help each other, and Um, you know it's not always You know about money is about. how can we make each other better
[akeiva_ellis]:And what other lessons would you say you've learned or especially money lessons that youve learned on your journey to becoming the millionaire that you are today?
[james_lindsay]:learning that money's not always goingnna. come? you know that you have to understand the value of money. You know, Um, I understand the value of money. Now I'm might just going down and just spending my money on anything you know. I think about how do I invest the money and how do I get return money and the return that comes of my money. You know what's left over. How do I spend that on me? not just giving them getting the money and then you're spending it and you don't have anything to invest Because you know in business, you know if if business is a, it's a up and down. you know roller coaster. You know I don't care what business you're in. You might have ten straight good years, and you might have ten straight down years. but you haven't have enough money to lash you for those years that you're down and all you have to be diversified enough where you're not depending on one part of the business to survive, Because you know like everybody knows when you know, one day you wake up is is sunny, then next day you might wake up and it's raining. That's what business is.
[akeiva_ellis]:Yup, Absolutely, you got to raide the eves and flows.
[akeiva_ellis]:The. What other I guess, pieces of wisdom would you share with upcoming black entrepreneurs or others who wish to become millionaires like you are
[james_lindsay]:yeah. I always told everybody is. You know. The biggest thing is to you find
[akeiva_ellis]:todaye? So I know that in addition to founding rap snacks, you also have the
[james_lindsay]:out what your passion is, find out what you enjoy and because it's gonna be easier for you to get up and and put the work in every day. And if you put the work in every day with something you really enjoy, it's like having a marriage that you married to someone. You really enjoy that person as a friend, right, you're goingnna stay married longer, right so that's that's definitely. Uh, you know the best advice on you of anybody that's looking to get into a business.
[akeiva_ellis]:foundation called Boss up,
[akeiva_ellis]:So tell me more about Boss up and the role that philanthropy has played on your journey as well,
[james_lindsay]:Yeah, you know, I feel like you know you. A. The part of my success is my, my customers who buy my my product. you know, and I felt like you know. if I'm taking and someone supporting me in that aspect, you know. it's only right that I support the efforts of the of those people, and then people come coming behind those people as well, you know, I understand the struggles of you know our communities. It struggles our communities that everything is overly extracted from our communities. If nothing puts put it back in. You know, Um, we are more of purchaser than we are producers. right. So my goal is to you know, with Ba, the Boso foundation is create programs that' going to reverse their narrative and have us become more producers. That they, that way will have more coming back into our communities and things have change. You know, people won have to come back. Why you say these guys are doing this and they're You know they're not, You know. Uh, they're in gangs and they' doing all kind of things because they don't have other interests that. Um, as a young kid that is being taught to, '. you know they only you know, looking at the old Jes are doing x y, z, and a lot of times most of the time it's not the right thing right. you know. So people talk about. how do we help you help by implementing the programs You know that these kids can do Every day. They can learn how to create a product. They can learn how to invest in the stock market play. You know, we have the stock Boss up app, which has been very successful for us because we're teaching people like us to understand. If you invested a thousand dollars in Tesler ten years ago, you'll be a millionaire today, right, But
[akeiva_ellis]:right right,
[james_lindsay]:we've had never have access and information, so it's all about providing information to value the programs. It they're teaching the kids in, Know Theyt want to learn, you know how to be successful outside of the stuff. They do every day, which may not be the right thing.
[akeiva_ellis]:Absolutely, And so what other programs and initiatives do you have under the foundation as well,
[james_lindsay]:Yeah, so we. we have the innovative cafe that we're doing at. you know, Um. black colleges, you know that are teaching you know kids how to develop brands and how to develop a product from z and Um. We will work with some of the colleges. Don to put these, you know, Caalf. you know Um, these, Um, you know, Um, you know programs together That is goingnna. You know they actually get credit for ' as well so they can Sta. Can you know go through the calf every day, but they're in a program making credit for it, but all you're doing is really you learning how to produce things that you eat every day. Now We, in a we. uh, if you go to a corner store, you, my rap slaps might be only black own product that you're buying right. So how people give back to you or show you that where you're not supporting you know any any of the the brands or products that you know that are trying to. You know otick. you know in in the in the industry, so you know. we just feel like it's you know. those programs are easy programs to get you know these kids involved and hands on. not just saying. Oh, you have to the sx. Y need to be successful. Well, Well, how do how? and the the next? the kids should say. Well, you want me to do that, but show me how to do it. Ki. we don't want to talk about it. We want to be a about it. We wantnna be able to show them from A, and z. This is how you developed this brand. This how you sell it. This is how you go out and and grow. The brand is everything We. because you know, I just I sit and listen to a lot of these guys and they're like it'. giveiving this advice, but they're not showing people. they're just talking well, We're just you know. the Bossite Foundation is a little different. That's what we call the boss, so foundation, 'cause we're trying to boss something and really be about you know a business.
[akeiva_ellis]:right right, and really show people how to walk the walk instead of just talking about it.
[james_lindsay]:Absolutely. yes,
[akeiva_ellis]:I love that. so now that you've achieved this level of financial success, would you say that you faced any unique challenges especially being a black wealth holder?
[james_lindsay]:Yes, I mean you know I. I would say. I mean anything that you read about, You know when you come youre you're successful and people look at you for being, You know. you might be a a. a millionaire. They look at you think you're a billionaire already, you know, and particularly family you know. So that's you know. It's issues that you have, 'cause you know they always say that you change, but you know like you know, my god, meet Mills, you used to say you know it's not like we change. Is that is how you guys have changed 'cause you change how you look at us and not thinking that we're the same people that we were. We. You know we wasn't in this position, you know, so it's really uh, managing people's expectations of you, you know,
[james_lindsay]:and I'll get. I'll get Texas all the time. Uh. Can you do this for me? Can you do that for me? You know, And my whole thing is, I can help you do that. I can shake you the way, but you have to do it it. you know.
[akeiva_ellis]:right, the whole cont of teaching you how to fish.
[james_lindsay]:right. yeah, yeah, it's like And you didn you know they? They'll play like you know, they'll play you against like I'm I'm your family. I'm missing that you know. I understand that, but I understand that I'm only one person you know. and if I can help other people, that's not my family. I shorten up you if you want to do the work.
[james_lindsay]:so that's a. that's a big challenge. Him. trust me, it's everybody has their issue.
[akeiva_ellis]:Yeah, are there any other challenges you would say that you face as well,
[james_lindsay]:you know, I mean yeah, I mean no, it's you know. I, you know you, you change
[akeiva_ellis]:aside from family,
[james_lindsay]:you. you face challenges of Um. you know, being a black man and a in a totally dominated, you know, Um, you know, Uh, segment of you know I, you know, it took me this long to make raps that successful Because nobody wanted to work with me. You know, Um, In Addition to that, you know they don't understand. you know, your, you know, your your mindset because you know you know they haven't come. They haven't you know? gone through what you've gone through and they don't think like you think you know. I used to, when I was with Johnson products, I reached in as a manager. I was interviewing people and I used to think to myself, I'm interviewing everybody and I'm interviewing for a black hairca company, So you know I'm you know. I'm not racist or anything. I, you know, I have all kind of friends, but I'm saying that I'm in the news. I'm interviewing a white guy. You know, he may not be the fit for what the black head company is trying to. You know, Imit they trying to portray. So If you think about that when it's it's reverse to us. and we're interviewing all these corporate one hundred companies. We're at a disadvantage already right, And so you know, it took me years to get into these big, these big Um, companies. You know, not until you know you know I, I went to the Gurilla marketing route, where I, I was always in all momma popcorner stores, you know, and they will go to Walmart. Well, why perhapsp snacks? Why I can't buy wraps, Ands well, I, we can't buy that, you know, because that's why I took me so long because you know I had to go to. I had to go the long round. I have to have you know you know, and like they, you'll have these big companies that try to buy me out at it. The corner store and the kids go back in the. You don't have rasnacks that. Well, they gotta Acros street. I'm going to buy it across the street. They have to go back and buy, even though the company gave them the money not to put me in the stores. you know
[akeiva_ellis]:right, right,
[james_lindsay]:I, I really don't never talk about that, but it it's that was. it's a. really. it's a big. It's a big um issue with with with Um. people like myself are starting this. a five hundred fi, fifty billionll Ins the year. The average we represent less than one senting that business in the in the whole industry. You know, not just black people, all just minorities in general. In Thesn for industry, So you know they're like. Hey, you know you like the The small fish we're trying to crush you. I don't care what happens. You know so. And and that's why you don't have a lot of products that we produce Oursves, Because it's really hard you know. you gotta. You gotta stick to it, you know, and that's what we've done is doing this. Who've doing it for twenty six years a long time.
[akeiva_ellis]:Yes, as people were looking at, Think you your overnight success, but don't really see the the grind that it took to get to where to where you are Now some real stuff.
[james_lindsay]:not at all. not at all, but it helps you. I mean, you know when you earn it, you know anything you earn out. I understand that what you're doing even better. Yp.
[akeiva_ellis]:So how have you worked with? have you worked with any types of financial professionals before? Whether that's a financial planner, advisor, accountant, attorney, insurance agent, et Cte. And how have those experiences been if you worked with those types of professionals before?
[james_lindsay]:Yeah, I've worked with all of themem. you know, Um, but you know my advice for people that were working for these type of professionals is you have to have um, uh, projects in your mind or how you want to invest your money of what you want to do and give them a picture of what your goals are, so they can get direct you in the right way. you know. I'm not just going to say Oh, you, you know you invest money and Ah, Oh, well, you going to invest my money x month, you. No, that's not going to happen. Give me the advice of what I'm going, and I'm tell you what I'd like you to invest in and give me some more advice on that, because it's all about what you like you know, and what you're passing about. You know, people work with you. Even you know. In G, you insurancecause, your insurance planing, Really like your investment because you have money invests every year. Uh, so it depends on wheth. You have kids. You're trying to leave insurance policy, too, or you're just trying to you know, build up cash to eventually cash it out one day, And it just depends on what you, what you know what you like are.
[akeiva_ellis]:Absolutely so. Have you worked with a financial planner? Uh, personally before?
[james_lindsay]:um, yes, yes, I work for the financial prim. Yes,
[akeiva_ellis]:and what was that experience like? In your opinion,
[james_lindsay]:uh, and for it's it. It was it. It's it's good. you know, because you know. it's it's all about like I said earlier. It's all about information, so it's not given. Provide information. you can yourself. You can make the best decision on things how you want to take it directly. Your money. you know, Um, you know, for me, I person like more than one because you know I, I just don't believe everything somebody tells me you know, and I just think everybody, if you're a financial planner, you have a opinion on this stock and this guy has another opinion on something, So I think you should have more than one voice when it comes to you know having a financial planner.
[akeiva_ellis]:awesome. And so what are the qualities that you looked for when you were hiring? Whether it's your financial planner or any other type of financial professional? What are the qualities and the values that you look for? That you still look for today when choosing your financial team?
[james_lindsay]:Well it, I think one of the keys is is their history by what they've done or to the other clients, right, and um, also trust faster. you know, Um. when you have somebody you know investing your money, you have to trust them and know you know you've had a. You've heard all these horror stories out here where people are investing money And they and they, they're not on it. And and then, and and my friends would say back, Iy was a horrible guy. No, what's the harm for God, you're a horrible money manager because you had somebody investing your money and you wasn't looking at y. so execute,
[akeiva_ellis]:Yeah, it's important to pay attention at the day. Is your money right? So you
[james_lindsay]:it's your. Yeah. So you're the. You're the organic money manager. As I say
[akeiva_ellis]:got to be paying attention to what's going on?
[james_lindsay]:you're you know. they're just giving you advice on. you know how to make more money for me. Yp,
[akeiva_ellis]:So what would you say Are some other important values to you? So you talked about trust and other factor? Are there any other important values or characteristics that you look for when you looking to hire someone like that
[james_lindsay]:yeah, um in, never to be flexible with thing out the box, you know, Um, being able to, you know, Um, have a a mind that is open and you know not on certain old ways of doing things you know. I think you know. in any industry you have you know you. you have revolving. you know, scenarios, you know, and I'll meet a lot of successful guys out there and particularly financialv. Um. Advisor have thirty certain things in a certain way you know, but I'm like, Hey, you know. what about what they're doing with the Know, the black chain. What about this? What about thating? Oh no, we don't want invest in. That's you know. that's that's too risky. you know. I, I wantnna be in between. I don't want to be the safest one. I don't want to be the risky as one, but I wantnna not miss out on either one.
[akeiva_ellis]:Inv? Then what would you say? How would you gauge these values in people? How would you gauge kind of that trust factor? What are the specific things that like, how do you go about this whole process?
[james_lindsay]:I, I think the key, imp, um, important factor is not listening what to what people say, Is they to listen to opening at their actions And you know, giving up, you know somebody a chance and paying attention to the actions. You got a lot of people out what we call in the North Philis, for good mouth, Piiece. it's great mouthpieces out here, but it does that mouthpiece translate to good actions, you know, and for anything, or hiring somebody from any position you know, it's really, you know. I'm look at your accctions. I am. I gonna, and I hate. I hear you, You know, and I hear how you sell yourself. What's to how? What's to work? You know what's the work look like? You know what has the? you know? Uh, how do you execute what you say you're doing, Which is key. You know in any business or anybody that you do execution.
[akeiva_ellis]:So now that you've grown your wealth to the point where it is today, do you also find yourself seeking different types of advice than you did before starting rarapsna? or when it was in its infancy
[james_lindsay]:Oh, absolutely yes, I mean, you know, I. I have all kinds of consultants that work for me from different, you know from you know, from investment strategies to trying to bu. the companies to you know, help you build out all the brands. Um, you know, Um, you know to you know, and just how to connect with other retailers. you know, Um, you know, I gotta. I pay a lot of money to to you know, advisers that help me make the right decision, you know, runing a company and be able to scale a company fast enough and healthy and and profitable. You gotta have that you can't just make every decision based on your thought process, because one' mistaken you can. uh, you know, Turn, you know, termurget. Something that won't be it. It will be good.
[akeiva_ellis]:right, we say that holds true also in terms of your personal personal counsel and personal advice, may things that. Your conversations you' having now that you weren't having before, whether that's around, uh est, planning techniques or anything else that is applicable to your your personal finances as well,
[james_lindsay]:Yes, absolutely yes, you know, and you know I, you know again, I think having your support system and people that you know that been successful at certain things, you know. it helps you a lot. You know, because you know, I'm not saying that I'm an expert in every field you know, and none of my personal finances or business finance. I'm finding people who are that have taken set advice from these people you know. Even with my team, you know, my biggest thing is sta. in your landne. What you're good at This is what you good. It's where hir you at, you know execitute that first you know, and when once you do that you have a collect, you know, collective effort of people that are good at what they do. What makes and it really facilitates So you know a really good team. You know, You have one guy trying to do everything. It's not go.
[james_lindsay]:not go turn out good.
[akeiva_ellis]:rightly in your area of expertise,
[akeiva_ellis]:Andli just hiring the specific pockets of of gaps that you might have.
[james_lindsay]:Yes, absolutely.
[akeiva_ellis]:So what do you think financial services professionals should know when working with or seeking to work with the black wealthy clients?
[james_lindsay]:um. well, I, I think that they. They need to really do research on them and kind of know they, thinking you know, and really be open minded Where you know every client is different. You know again, I might be the middle of the a middle of of the row guy you know that will look at new technology. That' wa to look at, you know, maybe traditional investing you know, so spend time learning, Um, who who who we are, you know, And then once you learn that, then you put to get together the plan instead of saying, Here's the plan and this would, without been successful at you know, get to learn the climate first, you know, and then take from what you've been successful with and what they are trying to accomplish it, and what their personality is, and put together a plan that that fis, you know your client, not just what you've done. In the past,
[akeiva_ellis]:Yeah, Any other pieces of advice you' give
[akeiva_ellis]:to professionals
[james_lindsay]:uh, yeah, I mean, like I said, I mean, really, you know. I understand. you know, you know, if you try to get into a business the biggest you know, you know. I think scenario, and being successful is being really understanding what you're trying to get into and understand the piss and fall, the pi, the pits, you know, and the, you know, the high points of that industry and understand how to have a pointed difference outside of what the competition has. You know what I, I think fails a lot of businesses that they're trying to take what somebody else did and copy that. instead of taking some what somebody else did and adding something to it The ho side of what they have, you know. Um, you know you, you wouldn't you imagine how many people they they they call me, and now they start a business world, adding rapids to their bags, and uh, and it and that, and you know it's like, but when I talk to '. Ma. I. I try to do them, just trying to learn from you, but Stck. you know it. you know people. you know. the first thing they want to do is copy you. instead of being you know different than you and peediting. You know, because they see success. They don't have their own mind or of how they make it done. I mean get it done. They is. See well, James Lindsey, put rabbits on the bag and it's Acc know there's a lot more that goes to where rap snacks has been successful with just putting rapid in the bag. You know if I had Jesus on the bag and the product didn't taste good or well, you know the product wouldn't be that good, right.
[james_lindsay]:yeah, it's a. you know, yeah, but this have a point of difference. have your own mindset, you know, play play you hamm To people have been successful All but don't just copy without you know having something bad. It' something that you're adding to it.
[akeiva_ellis]:So in your opinion, what do you think the financial services industry can do to help close a racial wealcap?
[james_lindsay]:Um, Hm. Okay, this is really important. You know is making sure that when people give back the resources, if that is to er it towards people that really, these kids that reallying need their resources. You know you'll see that and I'm not knocking the boys and Girls club and all that, but you knowll say yeah, wait, wait. We're giving five hundred million dollars to the Boys and Girls club Right, and I've never been to a boys and girl club in Philadelphia, have you?
[akeiva_ellis]:right, Nope,
[james_lindsay]:so I'm like they have to do more research and how to find out how to you know. Support these issues in these in these communities. That is, is is just continue. Every generation is continued to be the same thing over and over again. You know, and um, get to know these kids that are smart, because I've always said that you know Afr, Americans, and this minorities in general are very creative when given an opportunity. But a lot of times you know, it's just that money goes to the same same organization and this person's taking this salary. They take that salary, and that money never gets to the root of the issue, so just do more research and hopefully you know and create more programs. So that's small help. The you know, the next kid you know become, you know, Uh, in a a better citizen in in in that country,
[akeiva_ellis]:Aom, Any last words. Any thoughts you want to leave us with today?
[james_lindsay]:No, um, Our last words was you know. I like I said before you know, do what your heart tells you to do when it comes to starting your business. You know, being a hotpreneur and being a business owners, not for everybody. And I'm not saying that being our owner of a business. Oh, you know, we better than anybody else. You know. it's fine niche. Just find you mention. You have to find your niche by searching different things. You know. If you fail that one thing, don't mean that it doesn't mean that you can't be successful with something else, but just never give up. Always continue to find out when you find your niche and you find out something that that you're good at. It's gonna help pay a lot of that. they always call that black cloud that you know like. I just feel like I had a black holl Gb on me like Hey, I'm and I'm working for someone someone else, but in my heart I, I feel like I have't reached. You know my full capacity right so, but it takes time you know. but you know someone never give up. Just continue to find your passionate and you do find a guilt. No,
[akeiva_ellis]:Well, James, this has been amazing. thank you so much, and before we go, please tell listeners where they can keep up with you.
[james_lindsay]:Okay, so um, my in Gramm is x, fly one. Um, you know that's that's basically my friend. I'm really active my hisogram. You know, Um, always post on A you know about different things, So you know as F. fly one of my Ag.
[akeiva_ellis]:Oh, I, well, thank you so much for joining me today, James.
[james_lindsay]:What did you have me?